Required Online Title IX Training for Graduate Students - Complete by January 31

December 16, 2021

As a Drexel graduate student, you are required to complete an online module entitled, "Drexel U Got This! - Grad Student Training", a sexual and gender-based harassment and misconduct prevention program, in order to be compliant with the University's policies for the 2021-2022 Academic Year. The training will help you better understand your right to a discrimination and harassment-free learning environment, as well as your role in contributing to Drexel’s inclusive environment. This training is required for all graduate students, including online students, annually.*

*Benefits-eligible University employees who are also enrolled as graduate students this Academic Year must also complete this training.

This training is especially important for graduate students with employee-like roles, for example Teaching Assistants, Graduate Assistants, and Research Assistants, as it explains your Mandatory Reporting obligations.

IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY, please follow the steps below to complete the required training by Monday, January 31, 2022. The training should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete followed by a required seven-question test.

  1. Log into your Blackboard / Drexel Learn via Drexel Connect with your Drexel single sign-on (SSO) credentials (abc123).
  2. Select “Courses" from the left-hand menu and click on "OED Graduate Student Trainings 2021-2022" which is listed under the “Administrative Term”.
  3. Select “Title IX Training” from the left-hand menu of the course and click on "Drexel U Got This! - Grad Student Training”. Please make sure you first enable pop-ups in your browser and then, click on the “Launch Course” button to open the training.
  4. Click on the play button and select auto or manual play to watch the video and complete the interactive steps.
  5. After you complete the video module, return to the course shell and click on “Drexel U Got This! Grad Student Training Test”. Click “Begin” to start. You will be asked to complete a series of seven (7) test questions. You must answer at least six (6) out of the seven (7) questions correct to “pass” and complete the training. A completion message will appear above the training once complete. If you do not get at least six (6) out of seven (7) questions correct, you will need to complete the test again until you successfully "pass” it. Students must “pass” to be in compliance with the University’s policies for the academic year.
  6. You must complete the training successfully by Monday, January 31, 2022.

If you have any questions about the training content or why you’re required to do the training, please contact OED at More information and resources, including policies and how to report, can be found on OED’s website at

For technical questions, please refer to the “Technical Support and Troubleshooting” on the “Introduction” tab. Or, if you are unable to access the training or are having trouble getting the content to load, contact the Instructional Technology Group at

Wishing you a successful academic year at Drexel!

Paul Apicella, J.D.
Assistant Vice President
Equal Opportunity & Title IX Coordinator
Office of Equality & Diversity

Elisabeth J. Van Bockstaele, Ph.D.
Chief Strategy Officer
Senior Vice President for Graduate and Online Education
Dean of the Graduate College
Founding Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies
Professor of Pharmacology & Physiology
College of Medicine